1.19 update

The server has been updated to 1.19. Server changes with the 1.19 update: The survival world size has been increased by about 70%.This allows you to find the new Ancient Cities and swamps. The new wood type has been added to the shop. Frogs have been added to the spawner Read more…

1.17 update

The server has finally been updated to 1.17.(1.17.1 just came out and the server will be updated soon.) Here are the server specific changes: The survival world size has been increased (almost double the size) You can now go AFK without getting kicked. Your playtime will stops counting when AFK. Read more…

1.16 Update

The server has been updated to 1.16.1.The world has also been reset and there are also a lot of changes other then the Minecraft 1.116 changes.Here is a list with all the new server changes. Spawners Drowned, Panda’s, Striders, Hoglin, Zoglin and Foxes are now usable in Spawners.(Drowned that are Read more…